Monday, April 28, 2008

LO and behold!

Did you know that the very first message that was sent over the internet was “lo”?

On 29 October 1969, the first message ever sent over ARPANET took place. You can view the actual log Leonard Kleinrock made about this event at his page about Internet history.

Over there you will also be able to read more about his contribution to the growth of the Internet and how it began with an idea inspired by a Superman comic book. Pretty cool huh? Unfortunately, the Internet history timeline link on his site doesn’t seem to be working so I’ve found a couple of other links that contain a timeline of the almost never-ending history of the Internet to help us get through those cold and long nights of studying!

Hobbe’s Internet Timeline

Nerds 2.0.1. Internet Timeline

Computer History Museum – Internet Timeline

Cyberspace, and the rest of the technology world, has come a very long way since the 50s and it’s definitely interesting to see how it evolves and how society evolves with it. Like it or not, we are being forced to make technology and the Internet a larger part of our lives every single day. I mean, how can one resist Internet banking, Internet shopping, Internet gaming and Internet dating? ;) The list is endless and so are the possibilities, which can be a little bit daunting for some of us…